Video resumes didn’t attract much recognition until the recent pilot release of TikTok resumes. Since over half of the app’s user base is 24 and younger, recruiters seeking Gen Z talent could potentially use the app to discover talented individuals to add to their teams. 

And as the Gen Z workforce continues to challenge norms and improve communications through technology, video resumes are quickly becoming that next big thing. 

What is a resume video? 

While a written resume is still a crucial tool used by job seekers to list relevant job skills and experience, a video CV is where candidates can show off those soft skills and other qualities that are hard to define on paper.

Video resumes allow applicants to make an impression with their personality traits instead of relying solely on their achievements. And, video resumes are a great way to show potential employers short clips of you working with team members or screen captures of your current projects.

When exactly should I send a video resume? 

For creative positions like social media management, graphic design, or performance-based careers, a visual aid can help capture your skills more effectively.

Although digital transformation is reaching its peak, not all businesses are using savvy digital  business tools for important tasks such as keeping track of profits, let alone watching video resumes. Know your audience, and when in doubt, ask.

7 video resume do’s and don’ts 

Let’s go over some basic do’s and don’ts of creating a video resume:

1. Do – Be yourself 

For best results, be your most authentic self and show off what makes you unique. 

2. Don’t – Make things too personal 

Leave out the family drama, don’t cry on camera, and keep it professional. And don’t say anything on a video resume that you don’t want out on the internet for the rest of eternity. 

3. Do – Dress the part 

Make sure that you dress the way that you would as if you were going to an in-person interview with your future boss. Present yourself to express your personality while still maintaining a professional vibe. 

4. Don’t – Sound like you’re reading off a script 

Having a script is important to keep your short video resume focused, but if you’re reading from a poster behind the camera, hiring managers are likely to notice. 

5. Do – Come prepared with notes 

You definitely don’t want to wing it on a video CV. It’s important to have notes to keep you on track.

6. Don’t – Rely on a video CV alone

A video resume is meant to augment your written CV, and highlight skills and experience that are hard to communicate on paper. Send them over a copy of your CV along with your video resume. 

7. Do – Keep it short

Like Tik Toks, video CVs should only be about 30 to 90 seconds long, or else it’s unlikely employers will carve out time to watch your video. Remember, you want to engage them, show them who you are, and make them want to pick up the phone and call you. Don’t bore them. 

How to make a video resume that screams “hire me” 

Here’s what it takes to make a video resume that will fill your inbox with job offers: 

Write a script

While you may not go off the script verbatim when you record your video CV, it’s nice to have to support a seamless presentation of your hard to quantify skills and abilities. Plan what you want to say in advance to avoid becoming tongue-tied or leaving out a cool project that you want to show off. 

Prep your filming space

Even if you’re not a pro, it’s crucial that your video resume looks and feels like it was made by a professional. Start by prepping your filming space with a neutral background and comfortable lighting. Choose where you will sit, what camera angles you want to capture, and whether or not you need any props. 

Set up your recording device

Whether you are using a smartphone, computer, tablet, or digital camera, make sure that it can capture high-quality images and audio so that your video resume comes out clear and professional. Make sure you set it up at the right angle and make sure the camera captures you fully. 

Record a few takes

You’re probably not going to nail it on the first take. That’s ok! One of the perks of pre-recording your video resume is that you can go back and take it again as many times as you want to get it just right.

Don’t forget about B-roll!

B-roll is video that supports your main video content. In a video CV, this could be film of you in action or views of your current office. Use visuals that are both engaging and relevant to your work, your skills, and the job you are applying for. 

Edit your video like a professional

It’s time to put your best foot forward! Review your footage and choose the best takes to include in your video resume. There are many video editing software products that are free to use forever or for a limited time. If you want your video to stand out and impress potential employers, do not skip this step.

Ask for feedback

Have a friend or coworker review your video resume and provide you with constructive feedback that you can use to improve your video before sending it off to potential employers. Your end result should be clear, organized, professional, and adequately represent what you have to offer an organization to make a five-star impression. 

3 ways companies can recruit talent using video

Using video to recruit talent is much like building a sales pipeline for your business or website. If you’d like to recruit talent using video, it’s important to consider your audience and market the job opportunity to the right audience.

Here are a few tips for companies that want to start using video to recruit future talent:

  • Optimize your video title and description. Use keywords to make sure that the algorithm has plenty to work with to get your video in front of the right users. 
  • Include a CTA. Recruiting talent is a lot like marketing. Give viewers a clear indication of what they can do next to learn more or apply for an open position. 
  • Publish your video on multiple channels. There are many places to post your talent recruitment videos such as social media platforms, job board sites like ZipRecruiter or Indeed, and video platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, or Vimeo. 

Pro tip: TikTok might not be Gen Z’s top pick for video resumes after all.

If you want to accept video resumes, consider a service such as Tallo, create an online portal, or ask them to upload a private YouTube video.

Wrapping up 

While the jury is still out on whether or not video resumes will replace written CVs completely, there are some strong arguments for their effectiveness. Video resumes allow applicants to speak to employers directly while highlighting their best qualities in an accessible video format. 

Ready to show off your skills in a new and unique way?

Explore our easy-to-customize video resume templates.